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Soils, Landforms, and Vegetation of Bidwell Park

Soils, Landforms, and Vegetation of Bidwell Park

Bidwell Park provides a great outdoor classroom to explore the relationships between landforms, soils, and the vegetation occurring on those soils. The geological processes that shape the land and create soil can be revealed by walking through this dramatic landscape. Differences in vegetation often correspond to differences in soil characteristics.

Andrew Conlin will lead a 2 part field tour in Bidwell Park. The first part will be approximately 1½ hours long, and will consist of looking at the big picture of the local area by observing soils and landforms of the Sacramento Valley and Cascade foothills. This short walk will provide context to local soils, geology, geomorphology, and vegetation. The second part is optional and will be approximately 2 hours and consist of a 2-3 mile walk from Horseshoe Lake to Bear Hole along Chico Creek Canyon. Soils and landforms created by Chico Creek will be observed and discussed in relation to vegetation, geology, and stream processes. The group will break for lunch above Bear Hole before resuming the tour back to the parking lot, so pack a bag lunch.

Andrew Conlin has worked as a Soil Scientist for the Natural Resources Conservation Service for over 25 years. He co-authored the Soil Survey of Butte County and has also completed a Soil Survey of Lassen Volcanic National Park.

The workshop will meet Saturday, February 24, 2018, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Meet in Chico’s Upper Bidwell Park at the parking lot on the north side of the Five-Mile bridge. The registration is $35.00 per person (kids under 12 free when accompanied by an adult). Please register in advance; class size is limited to 30 people (class cancelled without at least 8 participants). For more information about workshop content and meeting place please contact Andrew Conlin at For information about workshop registration please contact the biology office at or 530-898- 5356. To pay by credit card call 530-898-5356.

Registration Form