Distinguished service award
From time to time the Board of Directors of the Friends of The Chico State Herbarium awards its Distinguished Service Award to a person who has made great contributions to the Herbarium. This selection is made to recognize contributions to the Herbarium on a number of different levels, from volunteer service to dedicated employment, to management support. Each awardee is honored at the Annual Meeting, and receives a piece of original plant-oriented artwork and a congratulatory plaque to go with it.
1996—Vernon H. Oswald
1997—Lowell Ahart (Award write-up)
1998—Kingsley Stern (Award write-up)
1999—Jan Monelo (Award write-up)
2000—Michael Abruzzo
2002—Lawrence Janeway (Award write-up)
2004—Patricia Edelmann
2005—Bill Carlson
2006—John Dittes
2007—Kristina Schierenbeck (Photograph)
2018—Cindy Wiener