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Murderous plants--botanical predators that hunt on our planet

Murderous plants--botanical predators that hunt on our planet

February 17, 2022
7:00 –8:00 PM (Via Zoom)

Barry Rice
Sierra College, Rocklin
Astronomy Department

View the Presentation Here

If you ask most people about carnivorous plants, they might know something about Venus flytraps (which are from where? Madagascar?) and perhaps Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors.

In this enlightening review, Barry will review exactly what carnivorous plants are, and you'll see that the boundary between carnivorous and noncarnivorous plants is grayer than you might expect. Unequivocally carnivorous plants will be noted--along with how they hunt--but also semi/para/proto/hemi carnivorous plants will be mentioned--including some plants that may be in your own gardens!

Then, having whetted your own appetite, Barry will mention a few places relatively close to Chico where you can see carnivorous plants, yourself! This can be a perilous adventure, so appropriate precautions will be described.

Adventures await!