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Stonecrops of Sedum section Gormania

Stonecrops of Sedum section Gormania

May 18, 2023
7:00 – 8:00 PM (Via Zoom)

Barbara Wilson
Carex Working Group

View the presentation here.

Stonecrops of Sedum section Gormania is a unique group that is relatively special.  They are attractive, diverse, succulent wildflowers endemic to California plus Oregon.  They have confused botanists for decades.  A recent investigation has helped clarify the diversity by redefining some species and describing new ones.  However, mysteries remain.  How was the work done?  What were the results?  What other mysteries remain?

Bio: Barbara Wilson is a member of the Carex Working Group, which works on diverse plant groups like sedges, grasses, willows, and now Sedum.  She got her doctorate in 1999 at Oregon State University for research into fescue (grass) taxonomy.  She lives in Corvallis, Oregon, with her wife Mary Vance, who enjoys the NorCalBot conferences and hopes they start meeting in person again.  She's very active on iNaturalist, as sedgequeen.