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Wreaths of the Season: handcrafted with native plants

Wreaths of the Season:
handcrafted with native plants

Saturday, December 1, 2018, 1:00 – 3:30 PM

What comes to mind when you think of the winter holiday season? Do you think of evergreens and baking spices? Did you know that many of our native chaparral shrubs and forest trees are evergreen, and that native sages can remain fragrant for years after drying? Learn more about native plants while you create a holiday wreath!

We provide all materials and tools, including a wide range of native plant clippings such as sages (Salvia spp.), incense cedar (Calocedrus decurrens), coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), manzanitas (Arctostaphylos spp.), buckbrush (Ceanothus cuneatus), and California bay (Umbellularia californica). You can embellish your wreaths with native acorns, buckeyes, seeds and berries. We will share botanical and ethnobotanical information about all the native plant materials we use. We also encourage you to bring additional plant clippings you especially want to use, including any you need us to identify. Each registrant can create a 12 – 15” wreath, and we can share tips on how to make garlands and kissing balls as well. Come share holiday cheer while celebrating our native California plants!

This workshop will meet Saturday, December 1, 1:00 to 3:30 PM, Room 129 in Holt Hall, on the CSU Chico campus. A maximum of 15 workshop participants can be accommodated, (minimum 6). The registration fee is $45.00 (or $70 to make two wreaths). For more details about workshop content please contact a workshop leader at or To register, complete the information below and include payment in the mail as indicated. For more information about signing up for the workshop, please contact Friends of the Herbarium (FOH) at All proceeds will be donated to FOH to support the mission of the CSUC Herbarium.


Jennifer Jewell is a writer, photographer, host of the public radio garden podcast “Cultivating Place” (, and native plant garden curator at Gateway Science Museum, CSU, Chico.

Adrienne Edwards is a botanist, ecologist, and arborist. She teaches at CSU Chico, consults on environmental issues, develops educational materials, and designs native plant restorations.